770 N. Main St. L'Anse MI, 49946
(906) 524-8400

Campus Health and Safety

     Current Health and Safety Level 1 – Bezhik


Unvaccinated people who test positive for COVID-19:

Isolate for 5 days or until cleared by your medical provider, if utilizing KBIC Health System please follow the protocols in place.

Inform your supervisor and provide a written statement from a health professional.

Unvaccinated people who are a close contact:

Inform your supervisor you have been identified as a close contact or provide written statement from a healthcare professional.

Get tested for COVID-19 if experiencing symptoms. If you receive a negative test, you may return to work.

Unvaccinated people who are not a close contact but considered a third-party exposure:

You do not need to quarantine, but it is a good idea to be cautious and monitor yourself for symptoms.

You can report to work as usual.


Fully vaccinated people with COVID-19 symptoms:

Although the risk that fully vaccinated people could become infected with COVID-19 is low, any fully vaccinated person who experiences symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should:

Isolate themselves from others.

Be clinically evaluated for COVID-19.

Get tested for SARS-CoV-2 if indicated. The symptomatic fully vaccinated person should inform their healthcare provider of their vaccination status at the time of care.
-If positive, follow the procedures above for an unvaccinated person testing positive for COVID-19.
-If negative, you may return to work when feeling well enough to do so just like any other sickness.

Fully vaccinated people with no COVID-like symptoms following an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19:

Fully vaccinated people with no COVID-like symptoms following an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19:

Tested 5 days following the date of their exposure.

Wear a mask in public indoor settings for 10 days until a negative test result is received.

Most fully vaccinated people with no COVID-like symptoms do not need to quarantine or be restricted from work following an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, if they follow the testing and masking recommendation above.

Fully vaccinated people should monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 for 5 days following an exposure.

If you need a vaccine, please contact the KBIC Health Center at (906) 353-8700.