770 N. Main St. L'Anse MI, 49946
(906) 524-8400

Author: Megan Haataja


Free laptop available to all KBOCC (see the incentive menu to start earning your laptop today!) Get started by registering for Spring Semester 2021 and attending a Virtual Orientation Session. Classes start January, 11th, 2020.

KBOCC Virtual Student Orientation

NEW* MANDATORY SPRING 2021 VIRTUAL ORIENTATION: all students must attend one of the sessions to prepare for the new all online semester. Mark your calendar: WEDNESDAY JAN 6, 2021 7:00PM – HTTPS://US02WEB.ZOOM.US/J/9672390795 THURSDAY JAN 7, 2021 1:00PM – HTTPS://US02WEB.ZOOM.US/J/9672390795

KBOCC Holiday Break

Q & A Session

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86385381070… Meeting ID: 863 8538 1070Passcode: KBOCC

Your Vote Matters!

Attached is some very interesting information about voting.  Every person on the ballot has a stand on mental health.  It is each voter’s duty to research and find representatives who are advocating toward mental health. If you have not yet voted and need more information, Township Clerk offices have extended hours this weekend. Arvon Township…
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College Scholarship Opportunity
